
Child Safeguarding Policy

Cahir Park Golf Club is committed to ensuring the sport of golf is one within which all participants can thrive and flourish in a safe environment and that all children and young people have an enjoyable, safe and positive experience when playing golf.

It is necessary that all those working or volunteering in Cahir Park Golf Club understand their responsibility in safeguarding children.

Junior Golf Charter

Additional information on junior golf

Data Protection Policy

Cahir Park Golf Club has responsibility to maintain high standards of confidentiality for safeguarding information about its members, employees, suppliers, visitors and others with whom the Club communicates and interacts.

It is necessary that all those working or volunteering in Cahir Park Golf Club understand how their data is being protected.

Disciplinary Policy

This Disciplinary Policy outlines the structure and framework by which the Club will:

  • Discharge its duty of care to all its members to investigate any complaint or grievance in a fair and impartial manner.
  • Protect the reputation and standards of the club by investigating any breach of the code of conduct by any member.
  • Impose sanctions as deemed by the club to be reasonable, fair and proportionate.
Code of Conduct & Dress Code

For what is deemed as appropriate behavior and etiquette for Cahir Park Golf Club

How to obtain an Initial Handicap Index:
As per the rule of the World Handicap System, in order to obtain an Initial Handicap Index, you will need to submit completed scorecards from rounds played, which contain acceptable scores, to the Handicap Committee. You can learn about the whole process by clicking below.
Cahir Park Golf Club Volunteer Protection (Whistleblower) Policy

The Club are committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, openness and accountability. We are aware that sometimes people feel apprehensive about reporting their concerns. However, the Club does not believe that it is in anyone’s interests for those with knowledge of wrongdoing to remain silent. The Club takes all malpractice very seriously, whether it is committed by members, officers, committee members, volunteers, suppliers or contractors.