Optimism Prevails !

The Clocks spring forward next Saturday night and summer time will add the extra hours each evening longed for by Golfers keen to get fresh air and enjoy a few hours of relaxing or competitive golf after a hard day’s work.

Unfortunately, the recent rain, while welcome for grass growth, has played havoc with league matches and general play.

However, Summer is coming, so let us all be very optimistic and look forward to a sizzling season.

The Driving Range is always open and visitors are very welcome. The Driving Range has a number of covered bays.

Date to look forward to

Sunday 2nd April is Captains Drive-in Day. A Straight 4 Person Scramble is scheduled.  18 Holes, Reception and Finger food followed by music and song. Entry Sheets in Clubhouse or contact Pro Shop 052 7441474.


Ladies Results for week, Monday 6th to Sunday 12th March.

14 Holes Stapleford:

Winning on countback, Marie Keating (21) 30pts and 2nd, Julie Connolly (12) 30 pts.  Congratulations Ladies, well played.



14 Hole Open Singles Stableford – Monday 6th March to Sunday 12th March 2023

Category 1: Shay Hughes (6) 30 pts (DC)

Category 2: Francis McCarthy (11) 31 pts (DC) (CB)

Category 3: John McGrath (19) 34 pts

Category 4: John Walsh (34) 29 pts

Find the Golf Ball

The latest Find the golf ball draw took place on Saturday 18th March. The envelope drawn was for Sean Tierney. His number was 50 and not a winner. Sean receives a consolation prize of €20.
Next draw, Saturday 25th. March, jackpot €660.