June thunderstorms disrupt golf schedule. 


Cahir Park Ladies Committee had unfortunately, but wisely, to postpone the planned Open Day on Thursday 13th June,  due to adverse weather conditions.

The Open Day, which was being very kindly sponsored by O’Brien Pharmacy, Cahir is deferred,  and a new date will be advised.


Annual Hospice Open Day 

Save the Date:  Thursday 11th July.

South Tipperary Hospice Movement has been the dedicated Charity to support for many years by the Ladies at Cahir Park Golf Club.

The competition will be Open 3 person Champagne Scramble.   Additional information on next week’s report.


Vice-Captains Weekend 

Best Wishes are extended to Vice-Captain Breda Kavanagh and Vice-Captain Seamus Moore for a superb weekend of golf on Saturday and Sunday,  22nd/23rd June.    Booking via BRS.   18 Hole Singles Stapleford.


Cahir Park Seniors 

The Tuesday Ladies enjoyed a lovely 12-hole Champagne Scramble on 11th June.

The winning team of Imelda Fitzpatrick, Anne Walsh and Millie Webb scored 67pts and were one shot ahead of the team of Seniors Convenor,  Margaret Costello who played with Linda Harris and Mag Tobin.

The Seniors Ladies will play for the Nancy Doyle Trophy on Tuesday 18th June and then join the Seniors Men on the following Tuesday 25th June for a Mixed Scramble at the invitation of Vice-Captains, Breda Kavanagh and Seamus Moore.


Bánór, The Skin’s Shepherd, Ladies Summer Matchplay 

Congratulations to the Ladies who have played matches and a gentle reminder to everyone who needs to get cracking and start to put scores on the board !


Connolly Cards Fethard Club Mixed Foursomes

Reminder that the top pairings on the Draw Sheet arranges the match.   Men play off White Markers… and half the combined Course Handicap …Ladies play off Red Markers.


Further Dates to prioritise 

Ladies Captain’s Day,  Pauline Mulcahy, Saturday 20th July

Men’s Open 36 Hole Senior Scratch Cup,  Sunday 21st July


Men’s Results 

ABP/TaylorMade Summer Series 18 Hole Open Singles  – 11th to 13th June 

Category 1:  Steven Barnes (4) 39pts

Category 2:  Mark O’Loughlin (9) 37pts

Category 3:  Gérard Kiely (21) 41pts

Category 4:  Jayo Kinane (22) 37pts


Find the Golf Ball 

Congratulations to Gérard Kiely who also won the weekly prize for Find the Golf Ball.  His envelope, number 30, was turned.

Next week’s jackpot will be €540.

Many thanks to everyone who supports the weekly Draw.