Christmas Events

December kicked off with a Straight Scramble on Sunday for Ladies who started the Get into Golf programme this year.  A great afternoon was followed by refreshments in the Clubhouse.

Congratulations to all the participants and to Caroline McKenna who won the Scramble competition ably assisted by Miriam Halley and Breda Wall.

Ladies Christmas Lunch  Thursday 7th December

All Ladies are requested to be at the Clubhouse by 10am on Thursday for the 12 Hole Champagne Scramble scheduled for Shotgun start at 10.30am.  Christmas Sweaters and Santa Hats to keep the ears warm, are a requirement!   Sincere thanks to Murphy Candles Cahir for the very generous Sponsorship of the Christmas Scramble and to Dolan’s Supervalu Cahir who sponsor the first prizes for the Christmas Hamper Competitions.

Presentations of Prizes after lunch.

There will be a donation box for Cahir St Vincent de Paul on the day.

Ladies Results 

Turkey No 6 Competition was played over the week to Sunday 26th November.

Countback separated the top three golfers.

All playing off H/C 9 for the Nine Hole Singles Stapleford and all attaining 20pts, the winner was Norma O’Brien,  second Deirdre O’Neill,  third Miriam Halley.   Julie Connolly (8) was fourth with 19pts.   Congratulations Ladies.

Mr Don Quill,  Men’s Captain 2024

The Ladies Club congratulate Don Quill, Men’s Captain for 2024, who took over the mantle from John Hughes Captain 2023, at the recent Men’s Club AGM and thank John for his support to the Ladies Club throughout 2023.  Best wishes are extended to Captain Don for a very successful year 2024.

Course Information 

A reminder to all Members to dial Cahir Park 052 7441474 and listen to the Course Update on Extension 1, available from 8.15am daily, before one sets out to play golf.   Please Tee-Up your ball on the Mats provided,  not behind or beside the Mat.  The Mats are used in Wintertime to protect Tee Boxes.  Remember to Replace Divots,  Repair Pitch Marks and Rake the Bunkers, when in play.  Please respect the work of the Course Staff who are endeavouring daily to protect all the Grounds so to provide continuous good playing conditions, all year round.  Thank you to Declan and Team for your dedication to Cahir Park.


Mens Results

Golf To Christmas 12 Hole Open Singles S/ford

Week from 20th to 27th November 2023

Category 1: 1st Brian Frazer (5) 27pts

Qualifier: Paul Tuohy (2) 26pts

Category 2: 1st John Mitchell (13) 30pts (DC)

Qualifier: Paul Kennedy (9) 29 pts

Category 3: 1st Donal Mullane (16) 34 pts

Qualifier: Ritchie Fitzgerald (21) 33 Pts

Category 4: 1st Declan Lonergan (23) 34 pts

Qualifier: Gerry Rogers (29) 31 pts

Find the Golfball Draw

The result of find the Golfball draw held on Sunday the 3rd of December. The envelope drawn was for Marie Devitt and her number was 27,not a winner. Marie takes home €20. The next draw is on Saturday 9th December, jackpot will be €620.